Your place
in Füssen

In the middle of the pedestrian zone


Please calculate 2 plus 9.


Bavaria City Hostel - Design Hostel Füssen
Reichenstrasse 15
87629 Füssen

Tel.: 08362/9266980
07:30-11:00am & 04:00-09:00pm

Arriving by plane:
Munich: With S-Bahn to Munich HBF. Every 2 hours are direct trains to Füssen.
Stuttgart: With S-Bahn to Stuttgarter HBF. There are trains from Stuttgart to Augsburg to Füssen.

The route from the station to the hostel by foot:
Our hostel is located in the main pedestrian street of Füssen (Reichenstraße) and can be reached in only 3 minutes walk from the train station. You leave the station and go towards the city center on Bahnhofstraße. After 150 meters you turn right into the Reichenstraße. You can find our hostel after 150 meters on the right hand side.

Arriving by car:
Coming from Munich: Highwayh A95 from Munich to Lindau: take the exit "Landsberg". Follow B 17 ( Romantic Highwayh A95 from Munich to Lindau: take the exit "Landsberg". Follow B 17 ( Romantic Road ) directly to Füssen.

Coming from direction Ulm: On the motorway A7 in direction Füssen, Füssen exit.

Driving directions from Innsbruck/Austria: A12 to Telfs, then on the B189 Reutte to Füssen switch to Nassereith, from there on the B179 about Lermoos. /

Parking in Füssen:
You will find free parking spaces in the city center of Füssen:

Between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m. in Luitpoldstraße or Kemptener Straße. 2 minutes walk.
Saturday 1 p.m. to Monday 8 a.m. free of charge.
Augsburger Straße in the parking bays 24/7

Alternatively, you can park your car in the Füssen underground car park P5 APOA City Sparkassenhaus (Kaiser-Maximilianplatz 3, 87629 Füssen).Fees apply. From there it is about a 2-minute walk to us.

Jetzt ein Bett oder Zimmer buchen!

Hotels mit Hotelbewertungen bei HolidayCheck

Zimmer ab 30 € per night & person


Bett ab 19 € per night


Bett ab 19 € per night